Welcome to a very, very different type of event. We are using data that is 100% public. Advertisers and big tech use the same data without ever telling you… instead, we are empowering you to put your data to good use to help Minnesota.

PLEASE VALIDATE: This profile page is currently awaiting validation from the person associated with it. Our AI data indicates that this is a connected Minnesotan that could make a big impact here. If this is your profile, please review & validate it.

Picture of Gabor

Gabor from San Francisco is working to transform Minnesota by ‘inspiring people to create workplaces.’.

Gabor Nagy is an expert in workplace research, strategy and innovation with a passion for connecting with executives, architecture firms and vendors to create inspiring work environments. With 20+ years of experience in the field, he has been providing expert insights for his clients to develop and assess high-performing work environments. Gabor has the unique ability to apply a powerful science + design approach to solve complex problems, utilizing a range of skills such as data sense making, organizational network analysis, organizational culture and change management. He is fluent in English, Japanese and Hungarian and has worked in seven countries, allowing him to bring a global perspective to the table.

As a workplace strategist, Gabor's goal is to help unite and transform Minnesota. He has the experience and expertise to provide valuable insights into how to create successful workplaces and ensure optimal productivity. His extensive knowledge of workplace research, strategy and innovation, combined with his ability to connect with diverse teams from across the globe, makes Gabor a valuable asset to any organization seeking to unify and improve Minnesota's work environment.

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Gabor's work aligns with 5 of the United Nations.
Sustainable Development Goals.

To end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all - Gabor’s work contributes towards the 5 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

There is no point of United We Transform and working smart locally if we don’t connect to our wider humanity.

Gabor will cut through "Minnesota Nice” by sharing ‘their’ personality.

This is an AI generated perspective of Gabor’s personality. Research indicates accuracy of 95% for anyone with an online social presence.

Picture of Gabor Nagy

Gabor tends to be an accurate, straightforward, results-focused executer.


Ask Gabor direct questions to get him to engage in discussion about the product. Share the details involved, like pricing and implementation, as well as the impact he can expect the product to have. Keep the conversation realistic and practical.

What comes naturally to Gabor

  • Absorbing information more quickly than others

  • Seeking evidence to support claims

  • Valuing accuracy above most things


Make sure to use data when trying to prove your point. Expect Gabor to challenge you, and be prepared to present proven facts and statistics instead of stories and anecdotes.

When speaking to Gabor

  • Share your qualifications or expertise

  • Set clear expectations for the conversation

  • Stay objective rather than emotional


Gabor is motivated by curiosity and accuracy. He will thrive in situations where he can solve problems using logic and creativity. Gabor always strives for accuracy and can work through seemingly impossible scenarios, especially when others may be skeptical.

What motivates Gabor

  • Detailed evidence

  • Privacy

  • Eliminating waste and inefficiency


Gabor is naturally authoritative and thinks practically when faced with conflict. He will gravitate toward similarly assertive people who share his ideals and lofty goals.

When working with Gabor

  • Maintain high standards for your work

  • Do your research before asking questions

  • Process conflict logically

By publishing their virtual Fingerprint, allows others to get to know them a little better.

Gabor’s Fingerprint is created by mining 100+ public websites to create an index of weighted terms from Gabor’s online activity.

Data Sense Making

Corporate Real Estate

workplace research

engineering background

design approach

North America

Asia Pacific

Latin America

productivity metrics

architecture firms

expert insights

work environments

core skills

research and strategy

inspire people

workplace performance

complex problems

diverse teams



Global Workplace Design Researcher

Workplace Research Director Facebook

Advisory Board Member

Workplace Social Scientist

Data Sense Making

Corporate Real Estate

workplace research

engineering background

design approach

North America

Asia Pacific

Latin America

productivity metrics

architecture firms

expert insights

work environments

core skills

research and strategy

inspire people

workplace performance

complex problems

diverse teams



Global Workplace Design Researcher

Workplace Research Director Facebook

Advisory Board Member

Workplace Social Scientist

We share this information in order to break down silos, enable learning from others and empower collaboration across Minnesota.

A quick pause to thank our employers:

We can represent as individuals. But we also need to connect our companies, their products and budgets to transform….

How can we influence the media with our corporate budgets to make the changes necessary in our state?

Please check out my organizations website to see if it could serve yours.

Thank youMetafor supporting United We Transform!

How can Gabor extended network contribute to enhancing local efforts?

To collaborate better, we need to connect across silos. We need to connect better within silos. Often times the best answer is just a cubicle away that you never would have thought of. Sometimes it is an ocean away.

We are now simply providing people here to help you connect and be more successful in your career, but right now… for Minnesota!

Vincent Pecararo
Digital Transformation Leader, Department of Defense

Digital Transformation
Daycare Management

Contracting details
Concrete evidence



Colter Lease
Art Director, Creative Lead, theDifference Consulting

Art Direction
Spray Pain Art
Artificial Intelligence




Nathalia Luna
Solution Designer, theDifference Consulting

Data science
Design Thinking
Real Time Work

Remote Working
Real time feedback
Quick thinking



Jack Burgess
Facilitator, theDifference Consulting

Landscape Painting
Design Methodology

Rural settings
Artistic Influence
MGT Models
Low tech



Join Us Please!

Here is Gabor’s current social network strength.

Follow/support them on social & join us/register to connect with others more seamlessly - at the event and beyond.

Let’s utilize Social for MN Transformation!


0/5 Unkown
1/5 No social presense
2/5 Very little or inaccurate social data
3/5 Has details but doesn’t post/share/comment often
4/5 Active and accurate
5/5 Social leader

Share, help, contribute…
And we will send you an NFT

NFTs are a way to prove you participated, prove you are making a difference.

We will be incorporating web3 (blockchain, metaverse, etc.) into the event and building the community to make sure the Bold North really is bold.